Located in Ponce, the second largest city in Puerto Rico and itsformer capital, the new student dormitory has a capacity for 120students. Part of a new masterplan trying to attract students fromacross the region, the project aims to create a new urban presenceto help integrate the academic life of the university campus withthe rest of the city more fluidly.
Located at the end of a “cul-de-sac” in a neighborhood of lowdensity, the project aims to create a new benchmark, a collectivenode for an academic experience in proximity to urban life. Ourproposal induces social interaction between students and othervisitors in a vertical outdoor environment through a void thatarticulates and unifies the building mass, and also includes socialprogram areas. The “collective void” offers a range of spaces forrecreation and study, giving students the opportunity to enjoy thefresh sea air and unprecedented urban views both towards theocean and as to the historic center of Ponce.
The facade uses a perforated envelope to increase the contrastwith the empty void. Gradual changes in the size of openingsallow light and ventilation in every room. Unlike other residentialbuildings, the project is clearly indeterminate in its urbanpresence, defying immediate readings both programmatic and scalars.
Located at the end of a “cul-de-sac” in a neighborhood of lowdensity, the project aims to create a new benchmark, a collectivenode for an academic experience in proximity to urban life. Ourproposal induces social interaction between students and othervisitors in a vertical outdoor environment through a void thatarticulates and unifies the building mass, and also includes socialprogram areas. The “collective void” offers a range of spaces forrecreation and study, giving students the opportunity to enjoy thefresh sea air and unprecedented urban views both towards theocean and as to the historic center of Ponce.
The facade uses a perforated envelope to increase the contrastwith the empty void. Gradual changes in the size of openingsallow light and ventilation in every room. Unlike other residentialbuildings, the project is clearly indeterminate in its urbanpresence, defying immediate readings both programmatic and scalars.
Marcelo Spina
Georgina Huljich
Matthew Kendall
James Vincent
Chia-ching Yang
Marcelo Spina
Georgina Huljich
Matthew Kendall
James Vincent
Chia-ching Yang