“There are not snakes in the rice fields…”
—Excerpt from a local resident while visiting the Sculpture Park
Snake-Rice was commissioned on the occasion of a Korean-Spanish Sculpture Symposium held in Icheon, Korea, in August 2003. The sculpture is now part of the permanent collection at The Kyonggi Cultural Foundation Sculpture Park.
Snake-Rice proposes an intuitive speculation about the green rice field landscape of the Korean peninsula and its undulating and contoured topography. Snake-Rice (or “Viboras de Arroz” in Spanish) suggests a productive ambiguity between these two worlds (generic and specific), emphasizing the emergent formal qualities of the work in its increasing organic proliferation (the rise of snakes) while at the same time grounding it into a specific cultural and geographic territory (Korean rice fields in form of snakes).
Snake-Rice consists of 11 shimmering aluminum pieces that are assembled together by means of lateral combinations. The sculpture was fabricated by using three different MDF molds, which repeat three and four times. Each mold consists of two different parts that were CNC milled on two sides and subsequently assembled with wooden rods. The molds were also used to cast aluminum through a process of sand-casting in a small foundry outside Seoul. The pieces were then polished, assembled, and installed on the sculpture park site, located in a valley of densely grown foliage and adjacent rice fields. Snake-Rice is situated on a subtle slope and anchored to a 0.50-meter-deep concrete foundation that prevents the sculpture from sliding downhill during the intensive Korean rainy season.
—Excerpt from a local resident while visiting the Sculpture Park
Snake-Rice was commissioned on the occasion of a Korean-Spanish Sculpture Symposium held in Icheon, Korea, in August 2003. The sculpture is now part of the permanent collection at The Kyonggi Cultural Foundation Sculpture Park.
Snake-Rice proposes an intuitive speculation about the green rice field landscape of the Korean peninsula and its undulating and contoured topography. Snake-Rice (or “Viboras de Arroz” in Spanish) suggests a productive ambiguity between these two worlds (generic and specific), emphasizing the emergent formal qualities of the work in its increasing organic proliferation (the rise of snakes) while at the same time grounding it into a specific cultural and geographic territory (Korean rice fields in form of snakes).
Snake-Rice consists of 11 shimmering aluminum pieces that are assembled together by means of lateral combinations. The sculpture was fabricated by using three different MDF molds, which repeat three and four times. Each mold consists of two different parts that were CNC milled on two sides and subsequently assembled with wooden rods. The molds were also used to cast aluminum through a process of sand-casting in a small foundry outside Seoul. The pieces were then polished, assembled, and installed on the sculpture park site, located in a valley of densely grown foliage and adjacent rice fields. Snake-Rice is situated on a subtle slope and anchored to a 0.50-meter-deep concrete foundation that prevents the sculpture from sliding downhill during the intensive Korean rainy season.
Marcelo Spina
Georgina Huljich
Yasushi Ishida
Lex Moloney
Eric Bono
Richard Hollington
Marcelo Spina
Georgina Huljich
Yasushi Ishida
Lex Moloney
Eric Bono
Richard Hollington